Garden of My Soul

Acrylic on wood, framed
120×122 cm

€ 1400,- framed
Shipping worldwide

More about this painting

“Do you have a place where you can go to when you feel a little lost? 
For me, nature brings me back to my true soul. Even when I’m not able to go outside for a walk, I can call on my imaginary world, which I tried to picture in this painting ‘The garden of my soul’. In that garden is a rich world of plants, flowers and trees. And there is a kind of guardian angel helping me through.” 

 Look here for the Mini Garden. 


  1. Ben

    This painting is really beautiful, and encaptures the impact that gardens can make on our lives. I was once told that Confuscious said ‘He who plants a garden plants happiness’. I believe that is true.
    Luz has generously allowed us to use theis image to promote an event in Oxford, UK, just before “All Souls’ Day”, when we remember those who have died.
    Keep painting, Luz!

    • Luz

      Thank you dear Ben for your nice comment. It was an honour that you asked me, especially for this event, and I’m glad I could be of help. Love, Luz


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