Letting the Light In

Acrylic and mixed media on wood, framed
34 x 30 cm

€ 150
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More about this painting

“This one is about throwing the darkness out and letting the light in. Springtime is coming! It’s time to clean up your mess and start again.”


  1. Debra Riva

    Hi Luz, I love this painting. Its very beautiful. I love to do abstract. I hope you will do an Abstract Class on line soon. Elli Ross and I are good friends….we’ve been talking about how much fun it would be to come to Amsterdam and paint with you. Of course, after this insane time is over, especially here in the U.S. These next few months feels terrifying but I’m trusting that we will come through this better than ever before. Warmest regards, Debra

    • Luz

      Hi Debra, thank you so much for your messages! I feel very pleased to hear that you want to visit Amsterdam… Anthony and I were planning painting trips in France, before all these things around the Covid-19 happened… Hopefully we can arrange a week or couple of days in the Summer of 2021, in France or in The Netherlands. It would be lovely to meet you and Elli in real. And this will definitely be a mix of abstract, mixed media and all the things I create like flowers and angels. 😉 I am thinking about an abstract online class as well. xxx lots of love from The Netherlands!


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